Pro-Act Microbial



Many Aspects of Dairy Farm Affected by Manure Management

July 31, 2007 ---- When dairies begin using Pro-Act Microbial’s treatment system they are most likely focused on how it helps with their manure challenges such as odor or a build up of solids. But Pro-Act does not deal with just a single dairy issue. There are many systems of a dairy farm whose success is dependent on how the manure system is managed.

Improved irrigation water. Pro-Act’s system reduces solids and viscosity, allowing much of the phosphorus and nitrogen to settle to the bottom of the lagoon. The top water remains low in nutrients and can be applied even to growing crops.

Better fertilizer. Most Pro-Act customers find they purchase much less fertilizer. The treated manure and water deliver a powerhouse of fertilizer, resulting in saved money and bountiful crops.

Helps maintain nutrient management plan. The stratification of nutrients in a treated lagoon makes it easy to apply based on the farms needs and nutrient management plan.

Cleaner flush water. Flushing barns from a Pro-Act treated lagoon results in floors that are much cleaner, less slippery, quick to dry and more pleasant smelling.

Easier and cheaper pump outs. Little agitation will be needed early on, and as the treated system matures, no agitation will be needed. Not only is this convenient, but it lowers the electric bill.

Aids in biogas collection. Pro-Act facilitates the collection of methane and other biogases, making it easy to capture and use for fuel or electricity or simply burn off and save it from going to the atmosphere.

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