Pro-Act Microbial
Engineered Storage Products &
Pro-Act Microbial Offer the Ideal Treatment System
September 10, 2007 ---- Pro-Act Microbial of Warren, Rhode Island
and Engineered Storage Products of DeKalb, Illinois will feature The
Ideal Treatment System™ (ITS) at Wisconsin Farm Progress Days being
held at the “Plain View Stock Farm” in Albany, Wisconsin, September
18 - 20. The ITS provides cutting-edge green technology for the
agricultural industry.
Complying with the phosphorus restrictions in the nutrient
management regulations is certainly a priority for all dairymen.
Reducing manure odor for better neighbor relation is in the minds of
most farmers. Turing manure into energy without breaking the bank is
a dream for farmers as well. The ITS addresses all of these issues
and more.
Slurrystore®, known throughout the industry for its high quality
storage vessels, supplies the process tanks for Pro-Act’s ITS.
Pro-Act Microbial provides the core manure treatment system which
facilitates the out-gassing of methane. The methane is collected
from the top of the tank and the solids and phosphorus can be
drained off the bottom, making it easy for farms to irrigate,
fertilize and still stay within government regulation on nutrients.
The ITS is a groundbreaking technology that helps farms, their
communities and, on a larger scale, the environment. The dairymen
get a manure treatment system that is easy and economical to
operate. When they use the system to collect bio-gas, they also
lower the cost of ownership of an already economically priced
system. The neighbors are happier residing next to a farm that has a
lot less odor. To the environment’s advantage, the biogas would not
go to the atmosphere and could be used as an energy source to heat
the process tank, increasing efficiency year round. Excess gas can
be used for hot water, heat or to generate electricity. Collecting
biogas will qualify for carbon credits also.
Learn more about Pro-Act’s innovative ITS. at the Wisconsin Farm
Progress Days, September 18 – 20th at the Slurrystore display, booth
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