Pro-Act Microbial
Pro-Act’s System Further
Validated by University Research
Warren, RI, January 22, 2008 --- Research done
by Dr. Jun Zhu of the University of Minnesota shows that surface
aeration “provides an effective and affordable means of handling
odors in lagoons”. This research further validates the
effectiveness of Pro-Act Microbial’s manure treatment system which
not only aerates lagoons/storage tanks, but also treats the manure,
resulting in even greater benefits to the farm and the environment.
The Minnesota study, done at a 4,800-head, grow-finish operation,
lowered the odor detection threshold (ODT) from the initial 3,000 to
1,200. The odor detection threshold is the basis for olfactometry
analysis. Pro-Act Microbial specializes in animal manure treatment.
One of its products, the Pro-Act Microbial Treatment System,
includes a patented surface air diffuser which works just like the
apparatus used in the University of Minnesota study by oxygenating
the surface layer of the lagoon which creates an odor cap. But
Pro-Act’s system goes even further by including naturally occurring
microbes and growth factors that help the farm manage the manure and
its nutrients. The system has helped dairy as well as hog farmers
around the country.
Unlike the aerator apparatus used in the study, the efficiency of
Pro-Act’s surface air diffuser is so high that only ½ to 1 hp is
needed for one acre of surface area. In addition to the diffuser,
Pro-Act system’s other components enhance the manure treatment by
turning a manure lagoon into a digester. At the bottom of the
lagoon, anaerobic digestion takes place to mineralize organic
material to carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, etc., while at the
surface of the lagoon, carbon dioxide is produced from the
oxidization of many of the odorous organic compounds. The farm is
left with less odor, less solids requiring less agitation, and
easily manageable nutrients that are stratified into accessible
layers for use on growing crops. In fact, the nutrient value is much
improved over that of untreated manure.
“The community and environment as a whole also benefits from a
greener farm that smells better and can manage its nutrients with
much less risk of leaching into the ground water,” explains Bill
Campion, president of Pro-Act Microbial.
Although surface lagoon aeration is not new technology, combining it
with microbes and growth factors makes Pro-Act’s system unique in
the manure management industry.
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